Monday, June 6, 2011

It FINALLY happened!!!

So here's the story! On May 22nd 2011 my parents anniversary and Alyssa's graduation; Grant Stephen Pinkley took me to dinner at Chili's. We both weren't that hungry so we got a light dinner. After dinner Grant suggested that we should go to Gray's Lake (where he originally asked me out) and so we did. It was such a beautiful day! We walked along the bridge and saw Matt and Leah and we stopped and talked to them for awhile and then we went to the beach. Where as you can see in the picture there was this cute rock sitting there and we went and sat by the rock for awhile. Then Grant got in the sand and was playing around in it...well then he brushed back some of the sand and said, "What the heck? What's this?" I looked down and was in SHOCK! Right there buried in the sand was a RING BOX!!! I just looked up at him and said, "WHAT?! Grant is this FOR REAL?!" Then from there I was a MESS I was crying like a baby! Grant grabbed my hand and I looked him in the eyes and he had tears in his eyes and said, "Allison, I knew from the first night at Starbucks that I wanted to marry you. I love how beautiful you are on the outside but especially on the inside...and he kept going but it was cloudy, then he said Will you marry me?!"I kissed him! And kept kissing him! Then all the people around started cheering! It was AMAZING!!! Then I pulled back and said "YES! OH I WANT TO SAY YES!!!" Grant had bought my DREAM ring! It is seriously so AMAZING! I LOVE IT! Then of course we wanted to tell everyone the BIG news! So I started calling EVERYONE my Mom answered and said she was at the church for a meeting for Clarity and Lisa and Ryan were there! So I kept calling EVERYONE and hardly anyone would answer! So we finally got to the church and I was still and mess just crying like a baby! And I saw my Mom, Dad, Lisa, Jen, Deanna, and then they said Ryan was actually in the Senior High Room so I went in to show him and GUESS WHAT?! SURPRISE!!!! There was my ENTIRE family and ALL my FRIENDS!!!! It was AWESOME!! Then I found out that Meghan and Alyssa(grant's sisters) were at Gray's lake watching the ring and videoing and taking pictures! It was a PERFECT night! Now May 11th 2012 is the BIG DAYYYY!!!! YAY!!! Pictures of the RING will come!!!

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